Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Times They Are a-Changin'

Oh Hello!

Let me first say: I am sorry that I have been MIA: it has been a very strange month. I have recently found out that I have to find a new job as of Oct. 1, and so I have been going through the stages of grief. Lots of anger, lots of crying, lots of panic attacks. I have worked really hard for the company I work for and feel really hurt and disappointed in the whole situation. I am working on getting to the acceptance stage

However, if I am anything, it is resilient. I am on the hunt for new work, and I luckily have a few months to find it. My biggest hope is that I will get to continue to travel and eat and write. In saying that, I have an idea...

October. I was supposed to be in Chicago again for a long period of time working. However, since I will be presumably unemployed and my main squeeze will be on tour with his band all over the world, I think I want to take this blog to the next level. Me, my car, a stack of audiobooks and podcasts, and the restaurants of the United States. Starting at home in MN and going west, down the Pacific coast, though the south and back up the Atlantic coast. One month, tons of delicious food, visiting friends all over, and writing all about it. 

What say you internets? 

ps: I have a few posts to do from Durham/South Bend/Three Oaks. They are coming so, promise.

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